Our Chapter


Headshot of David A. Wells
David A. Wells

In 1990, Iota Kappa was colonized at Boise State University by Peter Arashiro, April Brobst, James Borton, Amy Baker, Patrick Clasby, Nadine Michalscheck, Jim Ostyn, Fransisco Outhet, Sarah Robertson, and Roberta Shimer. The ten original Founding Fathers were initiated on April 14, 1990. Their sponsor was David A. Wells, director of athletic bands and a member of Phi Mu Alpha.

Between 1990 and 1994, at least thirty-nine Boise State band members were brought into the Brotherhood. Unfortunately, records are incomplete and some known alumni are missing from the national scrolls; there is no way to know exactly how many members of Iota Kappa were initiated in those years. Official records of the chapter ceased in 1994, and the chapter folded on the campus sometime in 1995.

In the spring of 2001, four Boise State band members resolved to improve the band program at BSU. Ryan Baker, who had been involved in Kappa Kappa Psi at Cal Poly, introduced the organization to Kate Hoffman, Thaddeus Marks, and Jeremy Mattern. After some discussion, the four decided that they wanted to bring ΚΚΨ back to Boise State.

Fortunately, the 2001 Western District Convention was a “Convention for Colonization”. A generous donation from David Wells allowed the four students to fly to Portland to spend a weekend with the District. After two sleepless nights, one banquet/dance, thousands of questions, four goofy hats, six pairs of frozen underwear, and one triumphant fight song competition, the Boise State representatives were convinced to colonize.

That summer marked a period of enthusiastic preparation. Ryan, Kate, Thaddeus, and Jeremy met monthly to discuss plans for the upcoming academic year, and to lay the foundation for the colonization process. They spoke with the music department faculty members about their plans to reactivate ΚΚΨ and met with student government officers to discuss becoming an official ASBSU club. A constitution was drafted, and informational flyers were produced and sent out with other band mailings. The group became an official organization and began to recruit interested parties.

Heavy recruitment for people to help build a chapter began during marching band camp and continued throughout the first few weeks of concert, jazz, and marching band rehearsals. Recruitment culminated on September 8th when the Washington State University football team brought its band – and consequently, ΚΚΨ and ΤΒΣ chapters – to Boise State. The fledgling group planned a pizza party and informational meeting at WSU’s hotel after the game. The event was a great success. Sixteen representatives from WSU and UCLA, including four district officers, spent the evening discussing the organizations with fifteen students from Boise State.

After giving the issue considerable thought, the new group decided to colonize only the fraternity. On October 7th, ten BSU band members met and held elections for ΚΚΨ offices. Ryan Baker was elected president; Kate Hoffman, vice president; Thaddeus Marks, secretary; Jeremy Mattern, treasurer; Amanda Swan, historian; and Bonnar Bray, alumni secretary. In the weeks that followed, the group solidified with a membership of eleven, including Douglas Crowell, Olivia Cunningham, Kimberly Detro, Lindsey Hazelwood, and Tim Imlay. David Wells unreservedly agreed to once again become the group’s official advisor and sponsor.



(Fall 2001-Spring 2002)

Iota Kappa became an official colony of Kappa Kappa Psi on October 19th, 2001. The following day, the colony carried out its first major service project: facilitating the District III High School Marching Band Competition at which they served as guides, ushers, runners, medics, transportation coordinators, adjudication assistants, warm up area supervisors, and general labor. They also supervised the pre-competition rehearsals on the “Smurf Turf”, representing school and fraternity from 7 am to 11 pm. As a result of their efforts, the 2001 DIII festival was the most expeditious in the festival’s history.

Iota Kappa spent the spring of 2002 preparing for convention and initiation into the fraternity. In February, they met with ASBSU and were awarded $1000 in matching funds for the upcoming school year. On March 10th the members completed their Membership Education Program. They wrapped up production of a seventy-page, full-color petitioning document and on March 21 sent it and their MEP plan to National Headquarters. In preparation for Convention, the colony assembled a scrapbook and build an eight-foot-tall Parthenon-esque chapter display, as well as developing a bid to publish the Accent.

On April 5, 2002, the members of Iota Kappa underwent third degree, and the colony became an active chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi in front of over three-hundred Brothers and Sisters. The new chapter was awarded the Chapter Distance Award, got Psi’s goat, and lost its president’s pants.

(Fall 2002-Fall 2004)

That summer, the chapter met to plan their first official Rush. It was privileged to be chosen as the host for the summer District Officers’ Meeting and first annual summer leadership retreat. Iota Kappa adopted a mascot, Thunder, as well. In late June, Iota Kappa served as volunteer staff for the Idaho All-Star Marching Band, chaperoning and assisting over one-hundred high school students in the audition and performance for the 2004 Rose Bowl Parade.

In 2002, Ryan Baker returned as president, Kate Hoffman as vice president, and Amanda Swan as historian. They were joined by Tim Imlay as secretary, Thaddeus Marks as treasurer, and Kim Detro as alumni secretary.

2002 Rush began in September with a variety of events, including a pizza party, a moonlit barbeque in the park, and a video scavenger hunt that encompassed the entire city, including one member’s lingerie drawer (perpetuating the chapter’s legendary obsession with underwear). Iota Kappa successfully recruited over a dozen potential members, and interviews were underway by October. At the Blue Thunder Band Banquet, the chapter presented the first annual Arsis Award to Alisa Nicholls for outstanding attitude, enthusiasm, and aspirations.

Ultimately, nine Betas made it through the Membership Education Program and became Brothers on February 12, 2003. The president of the Beta Class was Kerry Detro; vice president, Sarah Dyer; secretary, Cindy Knight; and treasurer, Chris Gallagher. The Beta Class also included Jonathan Alexander, John Duff, Jeff Gander, Thom Imlay, and Eric Turner.

In the spring of 2003, the chapter was awarded $1500 in matching funds from ASBSU. In March, Iota Kappa traveled to Western District Convention, where it was presented with the “Fight Songs of the West” award for most spirited performance of a fight song, as well as the Chapter Participation award.

As Iota Kappa worked on its growth as a chapter, its members were also striving for the highest. New member Eric Turner landed an internship at Disney World and left for several months to pursue an adventure in Florida. His fellow Beta, Thom Imlay, made the Blue Devils and relocated to Concord, CA, for the chance of a musician’s lifetime. Chapter vice president Kate Hoffman was the recipient of the Western District’s Ideal Active Achievement Award and was named as a winner of the National AEA Scholarship for 2003.

In April, the chapter geared up once more for officer elections. Following elections, Kerry Detro was named president, and Jeff Gander became vice president. Sarah Dyer was elected secretary; Thaddeus Marks, treasurer; Kate Hoffman, historian; and Ryan Baker, alumni secretary.

In the summer of 2003, the chapter initiated its first honorary members: David Wells, Iota Kappa sponsor and director of athletic bands; Douglas Whitten, assistant Blue Thunder director and newly-appointed marching band director at the University of Pittsburg – Kansas; and Charles P. Ruch, Boise State President. That summer, Kate was the keynote speaker at the National convention, held in Norfolk, VA.

In August, the chapter held a camping retreat to plan Rush, which commenced during band camp and was completed on September 24. On October 1, 2003, Iota Kappa welcomed sixteen prospective members to the Gamma Class. The Gamma Class officers were Chase Glorfield, the Chase; Justin Black, the Justin; Leah Evans, the Leah; and Karen Kaupp, the Karen. Ultimately, on January 24, 2004 Iota Kappa initiated thirteen new members, including Carolina Diaz-Topete, Dustin Johnson, McLane Peterson, Eric Schlecte, Mary Simpson, Jarod Sorum, Kirstie Williams, Joe Ziegler, and Rachel Wong. Initiated with the class was honorary member, Todd Hill.

In the spring of 2004, sixteen members of Iota Kappa once again traveled to Western District Convention, this time in Santa Clara, CA. The end of the spring semester meant saying goodbye to fifteen Brothers who became alumni for various reasons.

The summer of 2004 proved to be fruitful, with several summer meetings resulting in a Code of Conduct, an exciting retreat, and a plan for Rush. In August, Rush began, and was concluded on October 6th, with the presentation of bids. On October 13th, Iota Kappa welcomed twelve enthusiastic prospective members to the Delta Class. On November 6th, honorary members Marcellus Brown and Jeanne Belfy were initiated into the chapter.

(Spring 2005-Fall 2009)

The Delta Class worked diligently to become active members, despite a change in vice president from Joe Ziegler to Karen Kaupp. On January 12th, 2005, Iota Kappa was incredibly proud to grant active membership to nine new members: Will Emerson, Amy Flynn, Ashley Isaak, Chris Pohl, Courtney Hoirup, Jason Durand, Becca Ahern, Nick Kovach, and Nathan Trujillo.

Immediately following third degree, on the weekend of January 14th, Iota Kappa hosted District Leadership Conference at Boise State. The conference was a smashing success, hosting sixty Brothers and Sisters from around the Western District. Following DLC, Iota Kappa traveled to Pullman, WA for Northwest States’ Days. Iota Kappa was well represented, with fifteen members attending. Upon receiving an invitation from Utah, Iota Kappa also traveled to Logan, UT for Utah State Days. Iota Kappa brought eight people to Logan to support Iota Iota.

District Convention 2005 was held in Tucson, AZ. Iota Kappa rented a bus in order to transport as many people as possible to convention. Eleven members from Iota Gamma and Theta Delta, seventeen members of Iota Kappa, and two Iota Kappa Alumni took the twenty-one hour journey to Tucson to represent the Northwest corner of the District. At this convention, in addition to the normal tomfoolery that convention entails, Iota Kappa bid to host convention, and had a member run for a district office. Jeff Gander won the office of vice president, becoming the first member of Iota Kappa to hold a district office.

Iota Kappa, meanwhile, had been honored by Nationals, receiving a nomination for the William A. Scroggs (chapter of the Biennium) Award. In order to be considered, Iota Kappa was required to send a representative to present a bid of sorts, telling what the chapter has done, and what the chapter plans to do in the future. Iota Kappa sent a delegation of six to Lexington, KY. Mary Simpson, Karen Kaupp, and Jeff Gander presented the William A. Scroggs bid. McLane Peterson, Will Emerson, and Chris Pohl also made the trip, attending workshops, selling merchandise, and networking with people from around the nation and making contacts within our district.

Upon returning from this trip, Iota Kappa began planning for band camp, and recruitment. Plans for recruitment activities were much the same, but included the recruitment of a Tau Beta Sigma chapter for Boise State. The recruitment events were successful, with a wide variety of interested persons signing up for interviews. Iota Kappa narrowed their prospects to eight Kappa Kappa Psi prospectives, and extended invitations to nine people interested in Tau Beta Sigma.

Ultimately, on September 28th, 2005, Iota Kappa put class president Meredith Hoffman, class vice president Ryan Wells, class secretary/treasurer Peter Shuffler, class historian Sara Boyer, and Heather Barton, Josh Borden, Kayleigh Killeen, and Nick Washington through first degree, making them prospective members of Iota Kappa. An official colony of Tau Beta Sigma was formed on campus, led by colony president Leanne Spinazola, colony vice president Danny O’Berry, colony secretary/treasurer Britany Pugsley, colony historian Joanne Dunmire, and Caitlin Lapinel, Joel Delight, Cherish Potter, and Ben Van Hoogen.

On December 3, 2005, the Epsilon Class of Iota Kappa – consisting of Meredith Hoffman, Ryan Wells, Peter Shuffler, Sara Boyer, Kayleigh Killeen, and Nic Washington - was initiated into the fraternity.

At the end of the 2005-06 school year, Iota Kappa elected Jeff Gander as its President. The other officers were Nick Kovach as Vice President of Membership, Ryan Wells as Vice President of Service, Mary Simpson as Secretary/Treasurer, and Meredith Hoffman as Corresponding Historian.

Recruitment for the Eta Class began with band camp in August of 2006. Unfortunately, the Tau Beta Sigma colony folded over the course of the summer, and all but one colonist went their separate ways. Britany Pugsley pursued membership in Kappa Kappa Psi and was initiated as a one-person Zeta Class on October 14, 2006.

The Eta Class consisted of 13 band members: Stephen Barrett, Katie Burdick, Jason Davis, Angelica Garcia, Sarah Goodenow, Ashley Houser, Aaron Messinger, BJ Mickels, Brad Paine, Rod Royce, Sam Stone III, Pamela Walker, and Karla Walwer. They were initiated on December 2, 2006 – just in time to meet Brothers from the University of Oklahoma at the historic Fiesta Bowl. The Etas were also excited to be part of the chapter in time to co-host the Western District Convention for Colonization, in Las Vegas, the following spring. At convention, the chapter initiated Hannah Sutcliffe as its Theta Class on April 14, 2007. Iota Kappa was also awarded the right to host the 2008 Western District Convention back home in Boise.

Riding on the adrenaline high of a successful convention, Iota Kappa held officer elections that spring. Nick Kovach ascended to the Presidency, and Meredith Hoffman became Vice President of Membership. Pammy Walker was elected as Vice President of Service and Angelica Garcia as Secretary/Treasurer. The position of Corresponding Historian remained open, until a later date, when Hannah Sutcliffe was elected to the board.

In the summer of 2007, Iota Kappa sent six members to National Convention in Orlando, Florida. They were Nick Kovach, Meredith Hoffman, Pammy Walker, Angelica Garcia, Aaron Messinger, and Douglas Crowell. Nick Kovach sat as chapter delegate.

Autumn of 2007 brought new opportunities and possibilities. Iota Kappa gave out bids to twenty people, putting fifteen through Third Degree. Jennifer Barrett, Steven Blake, Clay Butler, Keegan Condie, Nicole Frane, Jen Held, Julia Huglin, Melane Lyon, Nathan Mallon, Kiwi McCoy, Becky Thomson, Mallory Townsend, Carly Vaughn, Tyler Waggoner, and Richard Welker were initiated as the Iota Class into the chapter on December 8th. The officers of the Iota Class were Becky Thomson as President, Nicole Frane as Vice President, Keegan Condie as Secretary, and Jennifer Barrett as Historian. The spring class brought Dallas Grossaint, the lone Kappa member, into Iota Kappa. The chapter hosted the 2008 District Convention, and was also appointed the Big Brother Chapter for the colony at the University of Oregon. Members of the chapter traveled out to a local high school, where they succeeded in reinstating the band program that had been previously cut.

Elections were held, and Stephen Barrett was elected as President to the chapter. Meredith Hoffman was re-elected to Vice President of Membership, Amy Joy Flynn became the new Vice President of Service, Nicole Frane took the position of Secretary/Treasurer, and Jen Held was elected as Corresponding Historian.

The fall semester of 2008 began with a beautiful sunrise for Iota Kappa. Sixteen Lambdas - Brittany Brown, Jeanette McMillan, Julia McCoy, Bess Oliver, Alex Ballantyne, Robert Brings, Nicole Bunnell, Andrew Clark, Loren Davis, Chase Huffman, Alex Lundquist, Rachel Kyle, Aubrey Morris, Keegan Sablan, Kris Walker, and Mark Young II - were initiated into the chapter in November, after going through the Membership Education Program and ULTRA. Lavaughn Wells and Jim Jirak, as well, were initiated as honorary members of Kappa Kappa Psi.

The chapter continued its service to bands by hosting District Three Marching Band Competition and States Days, and by revitalizing diminishing band programs and supporting thriving ones. Leadership for the coming year was voted upon, as Iota Kappa elected Amy Joy Flynn as President, Aaron Messinger as Vice President of Membership, Brittany Brown as Vice President of Service, Julia McCoy as Secretary, Alex Ballantyne as Treasurer, Jen Held as Corresponding Historian, and Meredith Hoffman as Alumni/Interchapter Relations Officer.

In the Spring of 2009, Iota Kappa held a retirement party for their beloved sponsor, David A. Wells. The semester ended with Dave's sunset, when he passed away on May 3, 2009.

Blue Thunder, Iota Kappa, and all of Dave's friends and family lost a great man that day, but nobody has lost his love or their memories. The chapter learns more and more everyday, from Dave's never-ending presence and his dream, and as we move into a new semester and year of opportunities, we will continue to grow and strive higher than we have before.

In Fall of 2009, Iota Kappa initiated a class of ten members. Leonardo Escobar, Ashley Glover, Robert Gras, Amanda Harris, Matt Huston, Erik Mars, Cody McDaniel, Peter Rundquist, Jeremy Ruth, Jade Wheatley, Daniel Wiley, and Thomas Garrigus were initiated into the Mu Class. Dr. Nathan Stark, interim director of Blue Thunder, was initiated as an honorary member, and became the chapter co-sponsor, along with Mr. Brown, director of the Boise State Symphonic Winds.

(Spring 2010-Spring 2013)

In Spring of 2010, elections for the 2010-2011 officers were held. Jeanette “Sapphire” McMillan was elected as president, Julia “Quiete Una” McCoy as Vice President of Membership, “The Unsinkable” Brittany Brown as Vice President of Service, Alex “Sugar Free” Ballantyne as Treasurer, Rachel “IQ” Kyle as Secretary, Amy “Chasse, Everything But the Body” Flynn as Corresponding Historian, and Steven “Paragon” Blake as Alumni/Interchapter Relations Officer.

In Spring of 2010, Mu Pi, the little brother chapter of Iota Kappa, was installed. This took place at the University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon. It was an event attended by many people, and we hope to continue to build the relationship between Iota Kappa and our little brother chapter. Also in the spring of 2010, Mike Langer was put through as an honorary member.

In the fall of 2010, Dr. Eric Smedley, new director of Blue Thunder Marching Band, was put through as an honorary member. He also became co-sponsor for the Iota Kappa chapter, along with Marcellus Brown.

In the fall of 2010 we gained our biggest class yet (twelve) with Alex McClean, Holly Ake, Alaric Albiso, Josh Barro, Todd Blinkenstaff, Amber Lay, Anna Mullinaux, Elle Bowman, Kennia Carpinteyro, Nick Meeker, Janessa Gohn, Parker Peterson, and Bree Silkwood. They were all initiated in to the Nu Class. With Alex McClean as the class president, Holly Ake as the vice president, Janessa Gohn as the secretary and Josh Barro as historian.

In the spring of 2011 elections were held and it was decided that Julia “Quiete Una” McCoy would be president. Alex “Alethia” McClean would be Vice President of Membership. Anna “Dorthy” Mullinaux would be Vice President of Service. Amber “Mica” Lay would be Treasurer. Jeremy “Live Long and Prosper” Ruth would be Secretary. Janessa “Talisa” Gohn would be Historian. And Stephen “Con Acqua” Barrett would be Alumni/Interchapter Relations Officer.

The fall of 2011 the following members were initiated as the Xi Class: Arthur Aguilera, Amanda Griffin, Baylee Proctor, Danielle Wagstaff, Eric Held, Gania Humphries, Garrett Wagoner, Jasmine Giles, Katie Banbrook, MaKensie Stallings.

The spring of 2012 saw the following members elected to the corresponding positions: Erik “Con Bravura” Marrs as President, Eric “Wagner” Held as Vice President of Membership, Arthur “Java” Aguilera as Vice President of Service, Holly “Watson Wise Gamgee” Ake as Treasurer, Kennia “Aurora” Carpinteyro as Secretary, and Kensie “Hard Corps” Stallings as Historian.

In the spring of 2012, Dr. Joe Tornello and Rebecca Freiburghaus were put through as honorary members with Dr. Tornello already acting as co-sponsor as of the fall of 2012. Also, in the spring of 2012, Iota Kappa was chosen to host the 2013 Western District Convention in Boise with the Omicron chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. We were also honored to have Jeanette “Sapphire” McMillan chosen to represent our fraternity in the capacity of Western District President for the 2012-2013 school year.

The fall semester of 2012 saw the following members join our chapter as the Omicron class: Cody Peterman, Darrick Ward, Esteban Galan, Jolene Brown, Josh Kepler, Megan Hinson, Megan Mathews, Nick Walker, Nikki Smith, Peggy Sewell, Samaquias Lorta, and Sarah Alley.

The spring semester also saw the following members join our chapter as the Pi class: Bryan Collins, Daniel Quatrone, and Jared Yim. Erik “Con Bravura” Marrs received the honor of Western District President for the 2013-2014 school year. Alexandra McClean was appointed to the office of Western District Vice President.

February 1, 2014 the Rho Class was initiated with Chasz Davis, Emalee Fischer, Alexander Hill, Randy Bauer, Amber Stiles, and Matt Estes. On April 4, 2014 Jennie Ficks and Krista Hafez are initiated as Honorary Members. That following fall, IK reinstalled the Alpha Alpha chapter at the University of Nevada, Reno on October 25.

(Spring 2015-Present)

On January 31, 2015 IK initiated Sigma class with 12 members; Alex Sessa, Lindsey Hobbs, Alyssa Maher, Mariessa Robles, Andrew Hensiek, Tia Imbriani, Andrew Kinsey, Gabrielle Touriel, Tristen Zachary, Max Bennet, Brittany Earle, and Robert Barney. On February 27-March 1st, we hosted Utaho States Days. In May, Robert Barney graduated from Boise State University. At the end of the semester Mitch Mikuchonis was elected as President, Alyssa Maher as VPM, Mariessa Robles as VPS, Lindsey Hobbs as Treasure, Alex Sessa as Secretary, and Brittany Earle as Historian.

In the fall semester the Tau class went through on December 12, 2015 with 16 members; Thomas Anderson, Blake Simony, Layton Cunningham, Zach Carpenter, Leanne Worth, Bryan Rosenblatt, David Davis, Aj Salazar, Kylie Sheffield, Nicolette Guerin, Sierra Rude, Justin Streeter, Kammie Dunnam, Madi Benge, Lucas Pennington, Alex Ayala.

In January 2016, Iota Kappa hosted its first annual high-school leadership event called "Strive!". In April, Mitch Mikuchonis was elected as the Western District President at WDC 2016 in Seattle, hosted by Gamma. At the end of the semester Mariessa Robles was elected President, Kylie Sheffield as VPM, Nicolette Guerin as VPS, AJ Salazar as Treasure, David Davis as Secretary, and Kammie Dunnam as Historian. Alyssa Maher was appointed as WD Vice President.

August 5-7 IK held a summer retreat to discuss plans for the upcoming fall semester. Iota Kappa held multiple recruitment events throughout the fall semester such as; a football watching party, a trip to the Boise zoo, a trip to Farmstead corn maze. On October 22, IK hosted the Boise District 3, High-school Marching Band Competition.

On January 28, 2017 Iota Kappa put through the Upsilon class with 20 members; Zachary Arlit, Shiloh Bagley, Natalya Bleier, Kelsey Cooper, Sage Cox, Kim Gailey, Hannah Gibson, Declan Haro, Rachel Hernandez, Rogaciano Huitron, Elena Imel, Emily Kelso, Miles Kendall, Sophia Marrs, Matthew McMichael, Hannah Morrison, Simon Pintar, Myah Russell, Tierzah Smith, and Cara Wade.

March 31-April 2 IK Hosted WDC 2017 at Boise State University. Later in April IK Elected Andrew Kinsey as President, Sarah Alley as VPM, Elena Imel as VPS, Miles Kendall as Treasure, Tierzah Smith as Secretary, and Sophia Marrs as Historian. Lindsey Hobbs was appointed as Parliamentarian, Mariessa Robles was appointed as Ritual Chair, Kylie Sheffield and Rogue Huitron as co-music chairs, and Kammie Dunnam as Webmaster.

Our Founding Fathers

Ryan Christopher Baker – Colony President: Ryan “Boise” Baker was born in Coeur d’Alene, ID, on January 11, 1978, and graduated from Boise High School. Alto saxophone is Ryan’s primary instrument. He served as the Iota Kappa colony president, chapter president, alumni secretary, and web page manager. Ryan was a member of the Eta Class at the Iota Pi chapter of ΚΚΨ at Cal Poly. Ryan enjoys playing with graphics and web pages, and singing along with the radio. Contrary to popular opinion, he prefers his underwear frozen. Ryan is an alumnus of Iota Kappa.

Katherine Elizabeth Hoffman Baker – Colony Vice President: Kate “Purple Sparkler” Hoffman was born December 6, 1980 in Austin TX, lived in Colorado Springs, CO, and then graduated from Meridian High in Meridian, ID. From Boise State, she graduated with a degree in English, with double emphases in creative writing and technical communication. She plays alto saxophone. Kate served as the Iota Kappa colony vice president, chapter vice president, and chapter historian. In her spare time, she enjoys watching fireworks and movies, running away to be a pirate, and dreaming up elaborate schemes. While she endeavors never to wear the same color of underwear twice in one week, she is particularly fond of orange undies. Kate is an alumna of Iota Kappa.

Thaddeus Michael Marks – Colony Secretary: Thaddeus “Village Idiot” Marks was born on July 7, 1981, in Honolulu, HI and has lived most of his life in Meridian, ID, where he graduated from Meridian High. He has played tenor saxophone and percussion. Thaddeus was also the drum major of the Blue Thunder Marching Band. He was the Iota Kappa colony secretary and chapter treasurer. Thaddeus’s favorite type of underwear is navy blue boxers. He enjoys dancing, critiquing movies, and discussing politics. Thaddeus is an alumnus of Iota Kappa.

Jeremy Michael Mattern – Colony Treasurer: Jeremy “Murray” Mattern was born on July 13, 1980, in Boise, ID. He graduated from Kuna High School and is pursuing a major in history. He plays saxophone, and all breeds of clarinet. He served as the Iota Kappa colony treasurer. Jeremy spends his free time studying military history, playing chess, and collecting used soundtracks, Latin jazz, and Stan Kenton albums. He prefers to keep the color of his undergarments a private matter. Jeremy is now an inactive member of Kappa Kappa Psi.

Amanda Leanne Swan – Colony Historian: Amanda “Baa” Swan was born on July 28, 1982 in Santa Rosa, CA, and graduated from Meridian High in Meridian, ID. She plays French horn and percussion. She served as the colony historian and the chapter historian. Amanda is an avid Beatles fan and enjoys watching movies, and swing and ballroom dancing. She is very fond of shimmery underwear. Amanda is an alumna of Iota Kappa.

Bonnar Christopher Bray – Colony Alumni Secretary: Bonnar “Snuffy” Bray, a Boise native, was born on April 25, 1976, and is a graduate of Boise High. He is majoring in child development. Bonnar plays alto saxophone. He served as the Iota Kappa colony alumni secretary. Bonnar enjoys model rocketry and double-line stunt kite flying in his spare time. Bonnar prefers underwear of the turquoise persuasion. He is now an alumnus of Iota Kappa.

Douglas Alexander Crowell – Douglas “Silent D” Crowell was born on February 3, 1983 and graduated from Borah High. He is pursuing studies in the field of general music. Douglas plays large-sized clarinets, tenor saxophone, and sousaphone. He is an avid bicyclist and enjoys spending his time with radio-controlled cars and FPS online gaming. Douglas finds satisfaction in working hard. When cornered, Douglas will sometimes admit to being a big fan of fuzzy underwear.

Olivia Faye Cunningham – Olivia “Fuzzy Britches” Cunningham was born on April 17, 1983, and graduated from Kuna High. She is majoring in environmental science. She plays flute, and was a drum major for Blue Thunder Marching Band. She was the Iota Kappa treasurer. Olivia enjoys hunting, fishing, camping, horseback riding, drying flowers, and pink underwear. Olivia is now an inactive member of the chapter.

Kimberly Mae Detro – Kim “Kimberet” Detro was born December 5, 1980, and is a graduate of Centennial High. She is studying biology. Kim plays French horn and percussion. Kim has served as the Iota Kappa chapter alumni secretary. Kim enjoys science-fiction books and movies, video and role-playing games, Pokemon and Digimon. Her favorite underwear is red with penguins on it, although she doesn’t actually own a pair. Kim is an alumna of the chapter.

Sarah Lindsey Hazelwood – Lindsey “Milkshakes” Hazelwood was born on May 30, 1980 in Boise and graduated from Timberline High. She graduated with a degree in kinesiology, with an emphasis in K-12. Lindsey plays tenor saxophone. She enjoys kayaking and camping. Lindsey prefers to wear superhero undies.

Timothy Theron Imlay – Tim “Maypole” Imlay was born on November 20, 1977 in Mission Vejo, CA, and is a graduate of Borah High of Boise, ID. Tim plays trumpet. He has served as the Iota Kappa chapter secretary. Tim enjoys cooking, shooting pool, working with computers, and collecting useless facts. He also enjoys collecting exotic underwear information.

David A. Wells – Colony Sponsor: Professor David Wells was the director of the Keith Stein Blue Thunder Marching Band at Boise State University, and the drill director of the Pearl City High School Band of Honolulu, HI. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Ashland University and a Master of Music Education degree from VanderCook College of Music. He has served as guest conductor, performer, and producer at many nationally acclaimed events. He has also served as an adjudicator and guest conductor for concerts and marching festivals throughout the United States. David Wells is an honorary member of Iota Kappa.

Distressed white Kappa Kappa Psi crest.

Website designed by Phillip Bruce. Actively updated by our Web Admin, Bree Latimer.